Meet Alena
My journey has taken me through the realms of body and spirit. I’ve immersed myself in yoga and meditation, studied psychotherapy and craniosacral therapy, vedic astrology and learned techniques for trauma healing and emotional work. I’ve been guided by a shaman in Austria and delved into the teachings of self-discovery, all in pursuit of mastering the art of joyful and fulfilled living.
In addition, I enjoy spending time walking or running in the forest with my dog, reading books, and engaging in conversation with friends and family over a good meal or coffee. Apart from my yoga practice, my favorite physical activities are running, cycling, and skiing. Hiking in the mountains represents the most beautiful communion with nature for me. I live in Prague with my fiancé and our dog, and through traveling, I get to know other cultures and parts of the world. I graduated from the Technical University in Prague with a master’s degree in architecture combined with civil engineering.